Office Closure

CSU and Services Closed over Reading Week. As of 6pm Friday October 11th and to and including Sunday, October 20th.

Operations will resume Monday morning October 21st

Canadian Students for Sensible Drug Policy – Concordia Chapter – Concordia Student Union

Concordia Student Union


Canadian Students for Sensible Drug Policy – Concordia Chapter

CSSDP Concordia is a chapter of Canadian Students for Sensible Drug Policy.
CSSDP is a grassroots network of youth/students who are concerned about the negative impact our drug policies have on individuals and communities. CSSDP considers problematic drug use in society a health issue rather than a criminal justice issue, and advocates for appropriate responses to reduce and prevent harm from drug use.
If you want to make an impact of the Concordia/ MTL Community please reach out!

Facebook: CSSDP Concordia